суббота, 17 апреля 2010 г.


Hey Jammers and Creatives,
We are all living through the digital revolution, an amazing, exciting time where knowledge is free and the world is at our fingertips. But there is a dark side to our digital emancipation. Jumping brain syndrome, decreased creativity, isolation and depression all stem from an overload of instantly accessible media.

Next week during Digital Detox Week we urge you to take some time to pull back from the wired world and assess the damage. Rethink your love affair with technology, stop obsessing over your virtual life, get outside and reignite your relationships with each other. You don't have to go cold turkey on the screens in your life – we won't. Simply take a few small steps away from them every day.

To help prepare you for this challenge here are links to some of the most inspiring mental environmental stories we've run recently:
The End of Childhood
Children who spend more time inside than in the wilderness experience poorer health in adulthood. We must let them roam free.
Virtual Morality
As videogames create better, more immersive models of reality, are we free to do anything we want in a virtual world, or are some things still inherently wrong?
Quit Facebook
The decision to destroy my carefully built-up virtual image came as a result of wanting to enhance my profile.
The Era of Simulation
Consequences of a digital revolution.

Happy Detoxing,
The Adbusters Team

When you cut off the arterial blood to an organ, the organ dies. When you cut the flow of nature into people's lives their spirit dies. It's as simple as that … Check out Adbusters "Ecopsychology" issue on newsstands this week.

Adbusters Media Foundation
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